Årsmelding 2022

Annual report Opsal Gård 2022

Pdf – Årsmelding Opsal Gård 2022

’ If the earth is my home, Opsal Gård would be my favourite room’

Volunteers – 71, over 1026 workdays and more than 5130 hours

In addition to Georgiana, several volunteers come to the farm through the ’Workaway’ and ’Wwwoof’ organisations. Some also came through the ‘Opsal gårds venner’ association. Other family members and friends of Georgiana, interested in biodiversity, also came to support the project. Most of the volunteers work 25 hours a week. They live on the farm and get food, housing and courses/social activities. We are part of the ’Farm as a place of education’ (’Gård som utdanningsarena’) from the Studieforbundet Solidaritet.