Fra urtekurset; "Sanselig kunnskap" som ble holdt av Mari Jerstad våren 2021


16 - 18 Jun 2023


17:00 - 16:00



Herb Course

Herb course Opsal farm 2023When: 16 – 18 JuneInformation about accomodation/food/map
Sign up hereCourse description:Are you interested in edible and medicinal wild plants in nature? This course covers topics such as sustainable harvesting, processing of herbs, identification, security, inspiration and sensory experiences. Suitable for anyone who likes to go for a walk in the wild. A large part of the weekend is spent out in the forest, so come prepared for all kinds of weather! Welcome!Friday 16 June17:00 Welcome and registration17:30 – 18:30 Introduction to the course.19:00 Possibile dinner at Opsal farm (not included in course fee).
Saturday 17 June10:00 – 14:00 Make sure you have clothes comfortable for the weather. We’ll be outside all morning. Themes; species recognition, sustainable harvesting, edible and medicinal wild plants, sensory understanding of the plants, the tranquility of the forest. We cook and eat lunch on the trip.14:00 – 15:00 Break back at the farm15:00 – 18:00 Theory and practical sessions back on the farm. Product making from wild plants, safe use throughout the year. Products will be taken home after the course.19:00 Possibile dinner at Opsal farm (not included). Local people who have previously attended herbal courses with Mari are also invited to this dinner.20:30 Open mic if anyone wants to share music or adventures related to the botanical kingdom.
Sunday 18 June10:00 – 14:00 Make sure you have clothes comfortable for the weather. We’ll be outside all morning. Theme; species recognition, sustainable harvesting, edible and medicinal wild plants, sensory understanding of the plants, the tranquility of the forest. We cook and eat lunch on the trip.13:00 – 16:00 Theory and practical sessions back on the farm. Product making from wild plants, safe use throughout the year. Products will be taken home after the course.
Price:Full course: NOK 2,900Price for the financially disadvantaged 2,200For board and lodging on the farm, see very reasonable prices on the registration for accomodation
Included in the price:– Course booklet– The products we make– Recipes for herbs in cooking– Recipes for processing herbs– Herbal inspiration– Lunch on Saturday and Sunday

Kurset ledes av Mari Jerstad,

Mer informasjon om kursholder Mari Jerstad finner du her.

Information about accomodation/food/map

Sign up here