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Tusen takk til Helgøya Fortellerfestival og alle som kom til både kurs og vandring. … See MoreSee Less

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For en deilig kurs der vi nærmet oss natur gjennom fortelling. Takk! … See MoreSee Less

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Bare en uke til!
#BiodiversityMatters #innlandet #bærekraft #nature #helgøya #trees #tangen #helgøyafortellerfestival #norway #workshop
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Nå er sjansen din! Gratis opphold på Opsal gård 25. til 28. juni hvis du kan mate grisene engang om dagen. Send en personlig melding til Georgiana Keable som er på Helgøya Fortellerfestivalen de dagene #helgøyafortellerfestival #norway #innlandet #nature #tangen #bærekraft #festival #BiodiversityMatters #trees #helgøya #volunteers #farm … See MoreSee Less

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Martin Lund Thomassen 👌
My volunteers had to leave unexpectedly, so looking for someone to keep an eye on Opsal Gard, biomangfold og levende fortelling for a couple of days next week 25th to 28th July. The main thing is to feed the pigs and say hallo to the horses, otherwise a beautiful place to be for a few days… … See MoreSee Less

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Storytelling is a wonderful way to awaken our knowledge and love of trees. Check out Helgøya storytelling festival for course on storytelling and biodiversity 25th and 26th July! Here are pictures from a project with Eva Bakkeslett where we had the luxury of spending a whole day with each tree in the spring and the autumn. #innlandet #BiodiversityMatters #norway #nature #festival #workshop #bærekraft #tangen #trees #helgøya #helgøyafortellerfestival … See MoreSee Less

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Lots of stories at Helgøya Storytelling Festival soon. And on 25th and 26th July you can tell your own stories about nature, in nature, on this beautiful island.
#workshop #bærekraft #norway #sharing #BiodiversityMatters #innlandet #nature #festival #barnaktiviteter #storytelling #fortelling #storytellingvibes #morethanhuman #forestwalk
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Forrige helg dro jeg til Helgøya for å sjekke det ut. For et vakkert sted! Jeg gleder meg sånn til å holde kurs og leke mellom naturvitenskap og fantasi for å skape fortellinger sammen.
Helgøya Fortellerfestival
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KURS: Fortelling om Biomangfold | Helgøya Fortellerfestival
Like før fortellerfestivalen starter, har du mulighet til å bli med på en workshop med økologisk forteller Georgiana Keable hvor Helgøyas natur og muntlig fortellerkunst går hånd i hånd.0 CommentsComment on Facebook
Vi gleder oss veldig til vandring med Marikaape på søndag. Vi møtes på Opsal gård og dra inn i Romedal Almenning og Stange Almenning for å lære om spiselige og medisinske ville vekster. Send påmelding til Mari på 967 35 375 eller dukke opp kl. 13:30 søndag 16. juni! … See MoreSee Less
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When this happens, it’s usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it’s been deleted.0 CommentsComment on Facebook
What a gorgeous visit from Extinction Rebellion Norway! Sharing abundant connection with biodiversity, not shying away from deep crises, navigating non-violent responses with courage and fun. Thanks also to Plum village for deep relaxation and slow walks.
#sharing #communitie #wwoofers #volunteers #wwoofing #bærekraft #norway #workshop #workawayers #permakultur #permaculture #extinction #BiodiversityMatters #ExtinctionRebellion #ExtinctionRebellion #extinctionrebellionnorge #extinctionrebellionnorway #plumvillage
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Once again we’re scraping the 200 year old house and giving it a new coat of the very best linseed oil paint. An all natural paint which has allowed the old house to breathe and stopped the damp turning to rot. Which is not toxic to insects birds or humans and is like balm to the old wooden boards. Its a big house, but hopefully we’ll get round the final walls this year. Thanks to Lily, Emilie, Raphael, Natalia and Martha for great work! #wwoofing #innlandet #volunteers #wwoofers #workaway #permakultur #permaculture #fortidsminneforeningen #kulturminnefondet #stangekommune #biomangfold … See MoreSee Less

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Helt utrolig å se denne forvandlingen!
Oh dear, its coming again, the time to say goodbye. A huge feeling of gratitude for every day with this bunch. A former volunteer gave us a new ritual. At dinner we share something we appreciated this day. Turns out to be a lot.
#wwoofing #farm #innlandet #tangen #nature #volunteers #wwoofer #bærekraft #community #memorys #sharing #communitie #storytelling #workawayers #rewildingeurope #workaway #permakultur #permaculture
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This might look like one horse, its a horse and its pony friend. Emilie found the two ov #innlandet #tangen #wwoofing #nature #norway #farm #horse #sunset #SunsetMagic #sunsetphotography #sunsets #horsepower #storytelling #rewildingnorway #workawayers #rewildingeurope #rewilding #morethanhuman #permakultur #permaculture #stangekommune them gazing at the sunset. Just like we do, most days. … See MoreSee Less

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Today on international Biodiversity day we got very happy. We heard that unmistakeable sound – Cuckoo! Its been ages since we posted, sorry about that. We’ve been out working or worshipping each in our own way, the explosion of spring in Norway.
#volunteers #norway #wwoofers #innlandet #wwoofing #tangen #wwoofer #nature #rewildingnorway #insects #rewildingeurope #workaway #morethanhuman #permakultur #permaculture #extinction #biomangfold #BiodiversityDay #biodiversity
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Hvordan gjør vi ting vi aner ikke hvordan skal gjøres? Bast, gårdskatt holder øye på oss. Alltid
How do we do things we have no idea how to do? Bast the cat makes sure we are on track. Always
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I februar fikk vi se hun eller han som har satt så mange spor øst på gården. Velkommen igjen! #norway #permakultur #volunteers #wwoofing #kulturminnefondet #innlandet #tangen … See MoreSee Less
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The old glass veranda is going to try and double up as a greenhouse. But for that to happen all the old windows must be restored. Quite a job!
#wwoofing #innlandet #wwoofers #bærekraft #norway #farm #volunteers #tangen #wwoofer #woofers #workaway #permakultur #permaculture #fortidsminneforeningen #kulturminnefondet
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Oh my goodness that looks amazing. Did you need planning permission?
I know the feeling. 40 restored old windows in my greenhouse 😂
The proud builders of 7 beautiful bird houses! Many winged customers are arriving and checking them out. Happy Easter for some:) #volunteers #wwoofing #bærekraft #wwoofers #farm #tangen #nature #norway #innlandet #rewildingnorway #workawayers #woofers #rewildingeurope #rewilding #morethanhuman #permakultur #permaculture #fortidsminneforeningen #extinction #biomangfold #biodiversity … See MoreSee Less

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This is part of the amazing team who took on the challenge of making a Grindbygg, a traditional farm building, using logs from spruce we are taking out of the pasture area. You notice they are pretty tough! #tangen #wwoofer #bærekraft #wwoofers #nature #norway #farm #volunteers #wwoofing #community #cold #ice #workawayers #woofers #workaway #permakultur #permaculture … See MoreSee Less

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Georgiana Keable forteller om OpsalGard og andre historier til Fortellerfestivalen.