Childrens Day
The children are invited to Adventurous walks through nature! An all-day celebration of living storytelling and Biodiversity. Professional storytellers, dancers, farmers and biologists gather at Opsal farm. Through dance and play, through the senses and challenges, we come closer to the magic of nature. Opsal farm was a large and important farm in its time, and looks majestically over the landscape. It has lain fallow for 50 years, now a festival is unfolding in a center for Storytelling and Biodiversity and of course, the children will be involved!
The professional storytellers who lead the project and this day all have a repertoire of performances that take place under the open sky. They have been doing this separately in each of their countries for years. On Children’s Day, the storytellers will take turns taking children and each other on a story walk into the forest.
The other participants get the opportunity to experience how to work with children through stories, games and exercises. Tell, share, inspire each other and see how we work.
Some volunteers on the farm act as hosts for the families who come to visit. They get a tour of the 200-year-old Våningshuset. In the barn they are allowed to jump in the hay; they get to know the woolly pigs; and they can play old-fashioned games from their childhood. When the last round is finished, we light the grill, eat local food and open up for discussion from all the participants.
09:00 – 11:00 From 3-6 years
Narrator, Georgiana Keable
Adventure, families and woods with Georgiana Keable. In February 2023, the publisher Hawthorn Press published Georgiana’s second book, Fairytales, Family and Forest, which will inspire families with children and anyone who has to do with young children to use storytelling in nature.
12:00-14:00 From 7-12 years
Narrator, Charlotte Øster
A scheme Charlotte has developed in Vestfold and toured with for several years. Do animals live in the forest you usually play in? How do you know that? Have you seen them? Heard them? Tell me, and I’ll tell you stories about animals, people and nature.
15:00-18:00 from 12-18 years
Narrated by Malcolm Green and Kathinka Marcks
This storytelling walk for young people is based on challenges, observations and lots of good stories.
The events take place in and at Opsal Gård and are free.
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