Heading True North
– How to listen to Gaia’s guidance
by Daniel Hoeckendorffer and Kathinka Marcks
Where are we going? Is there still a way out of our capitalist and egocentric worldview? Or will the entire planet just collapse? When will it be? Tomorrow? In twenty years?
Who am I in this changing world? How can I face the demons around me and inside myself? Is there anything I can do that matters? How do I know that what I do matters?
So many questions seeking answers. Let’s find them!
We believe that our planet has everything we need, we just have to listen and relearn the languages. There are voices everywhere asking us to be heard. These voices had guided our ancestors and we can find them back in our old myths and folktales.
Using ancient tools of guidance and stories, we will guide you through this inner and outer labyrinth.