

12 - 13 Feb 2022


10:00 - 18:00



Window restoring course/dugnad

Remember to sign up here.

Practical maintenance and restoration of old windows.

This workshop is based on skill sharing! After the great weekend we had with Chris Nerdal last year we will share knowledge of the basic understanding of the construction, function and maintenance of traditional windows.

We provide a nice set of tools and machines for restoring windows but it would be great if anyone who has their own equipment can bring it. We will be restoring windows from the farm to learn. Everyone will receive a booklet on window restoration published by Fortidsminneforening. The days are set up with plenty of time for breaks, walks and relaxation.

Participants arrive at 10:00. Coffee, tea and cakes are served during the workshop. Bring a packed lunch and your own cup, plus suitable clothes, more details are included with the registration confirmation. Dinner is served on Saturday at 17:00. There is an opportunity to stay the night – see registration. More information can be found on the website.

If the pandemic situation continues, we will practice social distancing and all the rest!